Public Service Commission
Gatzed third Class Section officer
Sociologist/Anthropologist Exam 2073
Competitive Written Exam Held on 2073-11-5
Time: 3 hours
FM: 100
Subject:Second Paper (Sociology/Anthropology सम्बन्धी)
Attempt All questions (10×10=100)
Section -A
- Discuss the basic concept of structural functionalism, the conflict approach and symbolic interactionism with reference to Durkheim, Marx and Mead respectively.
- What do you mean by development? Describe the approached of development practiced in Nepal briefly.
- How does sociologist/anthropologist as a development facilitator can contribute in different developmental activities. Elucidate.
Section -B
- Nepali society is a stratified society. Explain it on the basis of caste, ethnicity, gender and class.
- Introduce about the concept of state formation and describe its social, political dimensions in Nepali context.
Section -C
- Discuss the major elements that should be included training for sustainable development.
- Critically list out the steps of monitoring and evaluation in development project.
- Why group mobilization is essential in institution building? Furnish your answer with suitable examples.
Section -D
- What is sustainable development? Describe its features.
- Write short notes on:
- Social inclusion
- Environmental conservation
The End