Province Public Service Commission

Lumbini Province, Dang

Asst. 5th level

Written Exam
Date : 2078-11-21

Time: 2 hr 30 min

Full Marks: 100

Paper: Third

Subject: Job Knowledge Related Subject

Section -A       35 Marks

1.  What is a Tippani? What are the points to consider when writing a Tippani? Mention. (2+3=5)

2. What should be done to manage the increasing public complaints towards government services? Clarify . (5)

3. What is delegation of authority? What tasks cannot be delegated? Write in bullet points. (5)

4. Clarifying the meaning of organizational norms, how does it affect the performance of the organization? write (2+3=5)

5. Discussing the record management process, mention the problems in the record management in the public bodies of Nepal. (5)

6. Introducing the Jinsi Shrestha system, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Jinsi Shresta system currently adopted in Nepal. (4+6=10)

Section -B      35 Marks

7. Mention the similarities and differences between public administration and private administration. (2.5+2.5=5)

8. What are the strategies taken by Lumbini Province First Five Year Plan? Mention (5)

9. What is meant by final audit? make it clear (5)

10. What is time management? Write down the things that national servants should pay attention to for time management. (2+3=5)

11. What do you mean by continuous improvement method (Kaizen)? What is its importance in the organization? Explain. (2.5+2.5=5)

12. What are the duties, duties and powers of the Auditor General according to the Constitution of Nepal? Mention. (10)

Section -C       30 Marks

13. Explain the purpose of division of labor regulations of the provincial government. (5)
14. According to the Local Government Management Act, 2074, who will be in the local resource estimation and budget limit determination committee? Mention. (5)
15. How has the interrelationship between the association, state and local level been established in relation to the annual budget and program? Mention in brief. (5)
16. According to the Right to Information Act 2064, what is the information that should be kept confidential without being made public? Mention. (5)
17. What is meant by corruption control? Discuss in detail the role of the Abuse of Authority Investigation Commission in relation to corruption control. (3+7=10)

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