Public Service Commission
Non-Gazetted First Class Nayab Subba (Account Service)
Exam 2080
Third Paper Competitive Written Exam Held on 2080-06-22
Time: 2.30 hours
FM: 100
Subject: Service Group Related
Section -A 30 Marks
- According to Fiscal Procedures and Financial Accountability Act and Regulation, mention the budget preparation process. (5)
- define Public Sector Accounting Standard . In addition, explain it’s importance in public financial management. (5)
- Write down the introduction and importance of Treasury Single Account System. (5)
- Describe clearly about modified cash basis accounting system. (5)
- “Account Chief can play a significant role to maintain financial discipline in an organization” Justify this statement taking into consideration the functions, duties and rights of Account Chief. (10)
Section – B 30 Marks
6. What code of conduct should an official flow who is involved in public procurement proceeding? Clarify. (5)
7. Show the importanace of Procurement Unit in a public entity. (5)
8. Describe about the weakness occurred in record management of the goods received in terms of Foreign Aid. (5)
9. Explain the objectives and importance of Revenue Management Information System. (5)
10. How does the classification of inventory’s condition (like: to be kept intact, to be repaired and to be auctioned) help to make the inventory management effective? Describe. (10)
Section – C 40 Marks
11. Differentiate clearly between internal and external audit. (5)
12. Defining internal control, highlight on it’s elements. (5)
13. Clarify about the concept of Forensic Auditing. (5)
14. According to Income Tax Act, 2058, which institutions are included under “Tax exempted institutions”? Mention. (5)
15. According to value Added Tax Act, 2052, Mention the provision of Refunding value added tax paid by the taxpayer. (5)
16. What is Fiscal Transfer? What types of grants are transferred to local level (government)? Write down. (5)
17. In the short period of establishment of local level (government), financial error and irregularities (Beruju) is in increasing trend. In this context, describe the provisions relating to settlement of such ‘Beruju’ of local level(Government). In addition, how such problems can be solved? mention.
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