Public Service Commission
Gazetted third Class Section officer Exam 2072
Second Paper Competitive Written Exam Held on 2072-12-18
Time: 3 hours
FM: 100
Subject: governance Systems
Section -A
- Mention the purposed and Principles of United Nations’s Organization (UNO). How far UNO has achieved it’s purpose? Discuss.———————–(5+5)=10
- What kind of improvements would be suitable to the present administrative structure for the effectiveness of federal governance system initiated by Nepal? Preset your logic.——–10
- Whether governance and government are same? Give answer with appropriate illustration.—-10
Section -B
- Highlight the principles adopted in existiong constitution of Nepal in relation to the preservation and the promotion of democratic norms and values.——–10
- Write short notes —————————————(5+5)
- Affirmative action
- Proportional representation
Section -C
- “Transparency and accountability are the two main pillars of Public service delivery”. Justify the statement. ————————————— 10
- Mentioning the main causes for the degradation of ethics and morality in the public fund administration of Nepal, discuss the methods for its remedies. ——————————–10
- Write short notes on: ————————————————-(5+5)
- Characteristics of bureaucracy
- e-governance
Section -D
- Explain the different dimension of Human Resource Management, Mention the steps involved in acquiring the personnel. ————————-10
- What are the activities involved in the formulation of a plan? Explain —————–10