Public Service Commission
Gazetted third Class Section officer Exam 2072
Third Paper Competitive Written Exam Held on 2071-12-19
Time: 3 hours
FM: 100
Subject: Contemporary Issues
Answer the following questions.
The answer to each section should be written in a separate answer book. Otherwise the answer sheet will be cancelled.
Section -A 30 Marks
- Explain the concept of social protection and explain its relationship with the concept of social protection and social security. 10
- How is the word “refugee” defined according to the international convention? Explain and write about Bhutanese refugee management in Nepal. 3+7=10
- What is “investment in terrorism”? To discourage such illegal activities, what kind of provisions have been arranged at the national and international level? Make it clear. 3+7=10
Section -B 20 Marks
- What do you understand by economic diplomacy? How important is it in Nepal’s foreign policy? Give your opinion 5+5 = 10
- On the basis of priority, identify three important economic aspects for the rapid development of Nepal and write a logical answer to confirm it with facts and figures. 10
Section -C 30 Marks
- “Devolution gives the lower level maximum freedom in decision-making.” Give your opinion on this statement. 10
- Provide information regarding development issues and challenges in Nepal. 10
- In which areas of development can organizations outside the state be more effective than the government? Give your suggestions with facts and examples. 10
Section -D 30 Marks
- Nepal is currently facing the biggest energy crisis. What alternative measures should be adopted to reduce the energy crisis? Present it point by point. 10
- Write about national and international efforts to promote environment-friendly sustainable development. 10
All The Best