Public Service Commission
Gatzed third Class Section officer
Sociologist/Anthropologist Exam 2073
First Paper Competitive Written Exam Held on 2073-11-4
Time: 1 hours 15 minutes
FM: 100
Objective Questions (100 x 1 = 100 marks)
Correct Answers are Marked as Bold
- Research ethics suggests:
B) Like to do research as one whishes
C) Protecting the privacy of informants while doing research
D) Not to say anything to informants - The best methods in social research are:
A)Qualitative method B) Quantitative method
C) Mixed Method D) None of the above - Dependent variable is:
A) A case in research B) Conclusion in research
C) Effect in research D) Unit of analysis in research - Which of the following statement is true?
A) There is reciprocal relationship between theory and research
B) There is no relationship between theory and research
C) We cannot deduce good hypothesis from prevailing theroires
D) All scientific social theories are untestable - An exploratory research design:
A) Testes hypothesis B) Does not test hypothesis
C) Helps generate testable hypothesis D) Does not help generate testable hypothesis - Social stratification is the:
A) Hierarchically organized structure of social inequality existent in any society.
B) Absence of inequalities
C) Proliferation of equality
D) Absence of social hierarchies - Which theory emphasizes the statement that “Stratification is a functional prerequisite for all societies”
A) Functionalist theory B) Conflict theory
C) Symbolic interactionism D) Cognitive theory - Social stratification is the determinant of
A) Social equalities B) Social equities
C)Social Development D) Life chances of human beings - Caste-stratified society emphasizes:
A)Achieved status B) Ascribed Status
C) Non-structural social mobility D) Structural mobility - Gender inequalities are more pronounced in:
A)Capitalistic society with equality of opportunities
B)Traditional feudal society characterized by caste system
C) Primitive hunting -gathering society with relative egalitarian principle
D) Pastoral society with relative egalitarian principle - Rising caste/ethnicity awareness has raised the following issues in Nepal:
A) Social inclusion/exclusion B) Gender main streaming
C) Federalism D) All of the above - The theory of ‘economic determinism’. Which also focused an social class as social stratification was developed by:
A) Talcott Parsons B) Max Weber C) Karl Marx D) Hegel - The pioneers in the theory of social stratification are:
A)Karl Marx B) Max Weber C) Talcott parsons D) All of the above - High gender differences in Nepal are observed in the following groups
A) Bhotiya B) Newar C) Hill Brahmin and Chhetry D) Maithil groups of the tarai - Which of the following is related to the concept of race?
A) Biological B) Political C) Cultural D) Ec