Public Service Commission
Sajha Yatayat

Written Examination of
Information Technology Assistant


Key [A]                                                                                                Paper: First
Time: 45 minutes                                                                                 Full Marks: 100

Subject: Service Related

Multiple Choice (50x 2 = 100 marks)

Correct answers are marked as Bold.

  1. Which of the following is a part of the CPU?
    (A)Control unit
    B) Hard Disk
    C) RAM
    D) Graphics Card
  1. Which of the following is the smallest unit of data in computer?
    A) Bit
    B) Nibble
    c) KB
    D) Byte
  1. Decimal number 66 is ASCII value of …..
    A) A
    B) B
    c) a
    D) b
  1. Which of the following storage media can store data for the longest period?
    A) RAM
    B) Cache
    C) ROM
    D) CPU Registers
  1. The two basic types of operating systems are …..
    A) sequential and direct
    B) batch and timesharing
    C) sequential and realtime
    D) batch and interactive
  1. Use of …. system tool may result in relocation of data blocks in the disk.
    A) Disk Defragmenter
    B) Disk scanning
    C) Disk Backup
    D) Disk Format
  1. To check disk for error and to repair, one can use …..
    A) Format
    B) scandisk
    C) Error Repair
    D) Disk Defragmenter
  1. Which of the following command is used to switch between the window programs?
    A) AIt + Tab
    B) AIt+F4
    C) Ctrl+Tab
    D) Shift + Tab
  2. Which function key is used to invoke spell check facility?
    A) F7
    B) F8
    C) F9
    D) F1
  1. Which of the following is the longest page size?
    B) Legal
    C) Executive
    D) A4
  1. For what purpose is Thesaurus tool in MS Word used?
    A) Grammar options
    B) Synonym and antonym words
    C) Spelling suggestion
    D) Spelling and grammar options
  1. Which of the following statements is false?
    A) You can set different header footer for even and odd pages
    B) You can set different page number formats for different sections
    C)You can set different header footer for the last page of a section
    D) You can set different header footer for the first page of a section
  1. What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?
    A) Ctrl+Shift+C
    B) Ctrl + C
    C) Alt+ c
    D) Alt+Ctrl+C
  1. The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is…….
    A) Document Formatting
    B) Mail Merge
    C) Data Base Management
    D) Form Letters
  1. The ….. helps to identify various plotted data series.
    A) X-axis
    B) Y-axis
    C) Gridlines
    D) Legend
  1. How many cells are there in the range “B5:E8”?
    A) 10
    B) 12
    C) 16
    D) 20
  1. What does the autofill feature do?
    A)Extends a sequential series of data
    B) Automatically adds a range of cell values
    C) Applies a border around selected cells
    D) Automatically fills the background color in selected cell
  2. Which command converts column of data into row?
    A) Cut and paste
    (B) Paste special>Transpose
    C) Paste Special>Convert
    D) Paste Special>Transverse
  1. Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using …..
    A) Adobe Photoshop
    B) Notepad
    (C) excel
    D) PowerPoint
  2. Workbook is a collection of …..
    A) Charts
    (B) worksheets
    C) Labels
    D) Tables
  3. …… a set of one or more attributes taken collectively to uniquely identify a record.
    (A) Primary Key
    B) Foreign Key
    C) Candidate Key
    D) Super Key
  4. The term “SQL” stands for …..
    A) Standard Query Language
    B) Sequential Query Language
    (C)Structured Query Language
    D) Server-side Query Language
  5. What are the main building blocks of a database?
    A) Lists
    B) Queries
    D) Forms
  6. In database system, data type that can have only TRUE or FALSE value is best known as ….. data type.
    A) Logic
    B) Binary
    D) condition
  7. Which one of the following attributes can be taken as a primary key?
    A) Name
    B) Street
    C) ID
    D) Department
  8. A data dictionary is a repository that manages …..
    A) Memory
    B) Metadata
    c) spell checker
    D) Data validator
  9. In MS PowerPoint presentations, the designs regulate the layout and formatting for the
    slide. These are commonly known as …..
    A) Blueprints
    B) Placeholders
    D) Design Plates
  10. To place something in the same position on every slide of presentation automatically,
    insert into …..
    A) Slide Master
    B) Notes Master
    C) Handout Master
    D) None of the above
  11. How to create ahyperlink in HTML?
    A) <a url=””> Website</a>
    B) <a href=””> Website</a>
    C) < a Link =””>Website</a>
    D) <a> website (</a>
  12. The full form of CSS is ……
    A) Cascading Style Sheets
    B) Coloured Special Sheets
    C) Color and Style Sheets
    D) Coloured Style Sheets
  13. Which Network topology involes token?
    A) Mesh
    B) Star
    C) Ring
    D) Bus
  14. If you want to find the number of routers between a source and destination, the utility to be used is……..
    A) Route
    B) lpconfig
    C) lfconfig
    D) Tracert
  15. What is the number for bits in IPV6 address?
    A) 6
    B) 64
    C) 96
  16. What is a Hub?
    A) Computing device
    B) Software
    C) Networking device
    D) Calculating device
  17. Encryption is the process of …..
    A) converting text to binary values
    B) converting binary values to text
    C) converting plain text to unreadable text
    D) converting unreadable text to plain text
  18. Digital Signature is a mathematical technique that can validate …..
    A) only authenticity and integrity
    B) only integrity and non repudiation
    C) only authenticity and non repudiation
    D) authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation
  19. Which of the following usually observes each activity on the internet of the victim, gathers all information in the background and sends it to someone else?
    A) Malware
    C) Adware
    D) Ransomware
  20. …… is a DoS attack in which the attacker establishes a large number of half open or fully open TCP connections at the target host.
    A) Vulnerability Attack
    B) Bandwidth Flooding
    C) connection Flooding
    D) UDP Flooding
  21. …… is a main circuit board in personal computer where a number of chips are mounted.
    A) Breadboard
    B) Motherboard
    C) Fatherboard
    D) Daughterboard
  22. Which provides uninterrupted power to the load?
    A) UPS
    B) SMPS
    C) Rectifler
    D) Regulator
  23. Which of the following is defined as average of the time taken in repair work?
    A) MTBF
    B) MTR (MTTR (mean time to repair) is the average time it takes to repair a system (usually technical or mechanical))
    C) MAC
    D) MCU
  24. Which of the following is not a backup software?
    A) Amanda
    B) Bacula
    C) IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
    D) Partition Manager
  25. According to Electronic Transaction Act, who appoints controller?
    A) Office of Company
    B) Nepal Government
    C) Department of Information and Technology
    D) Nepal Government
  26. Security Operation and Monitoring Center is operated by……..
    A) MOCIT
    B) DOIT
    C) NITC
    D) MOF
  1. According to Electronic Transaction Act, who issues licese to the certifying authority?
    A) Ministry of Communication and IT
    B) Department of IT
    C) Office of Company Registrar
    D) Controller
  2. What is the number of members in the Steering Commitee formed to implement ICT Policy, 2072?
    A) 10
  3. GIDC stands for …..
    A) Government Integrated Data Center
    B) Government Integrated Desk Center
    C) Government Integrated Delivery Center
    D) Government Integrated Documentation Center
  4. Electronic Transaction Act, 2063 has made provision of Information Technology
    Tribunal. How many members does it have?
    B) 2
    C) 3
    D) 4
  5. When was the latest ICT Policy formulated?
    A) 2063 BS
    B) 2064 BS
    C) 2070 BS
    D) 2072 BS
  6. Government Website Development and Management Directive was issued in the year ….. BS.
    A) 2072
    B) 2075
    C) 2078
    D) 2079

———– THE END ———


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