Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) has a history of serving its customers far and wide across the nation for more than half a century. The bank then fully owned by Government of Nepal, was established on 10 Magh 2022 (23 January 1966) under the special statute “Rastriya Banijya Bank Act, 2021” and had operated under “Commercial Bank Act,2031” until it was re-registered as public limited company on 6 Baishak 2063 (19 May 2006). At present, the Bank operates as “A” class financial institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank and carries out commercial banking activities as per the provisions of the “Bank and Financial institutions Act 2073,” (2017).
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited announces vacancy for various positions.
Total no. of vacancies: 836 Vacancies
- Position: Sr. Manager
- Level: 9th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 2
2. Position : Manager
- Level: 9th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 6
3. Position : Deputy Manager
- Level: 7th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 18
4. Position : Deputy Manager (Accounts)
- Level: 7th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Accounts
- No. of vacancies: 1
5. Position : Assistant Manager
- Level: 6th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 200
6. Position : Assistant Manager ( Law)
- Level: 6th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Law
- No. of vacancies: 6
7. Position : Assistant Manager ( IT )
Level: 6th
Service/ Group: Administration / IT
No. of vacancies: 15
8. Position : Assistant Manager ( Cash )
- Level: 6th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Cash
- No. of vacancies: 15
9. Position : Sr. Assistant
- Level: 5th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 179
10. Position : Sr. Assistant (Cash)
- Level: 5th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Cash
- No. of vacancies: 32
11. Position : Sr. Assistant (Law)
- Level: 5th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Law
- No. of vacancies: 10
12. Position : Sr. Assistant (IT)
- Level: 5th
- Service/ Group: Administration / IT
- No. of vacancies: 44
13. Position : Assistant
- Level: 4th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Administration
- No. of vacancies: 245
14. Position : Assistant (Cash)
- Level: 4th
- Service/ Group: Administration / Cash
- No. of vacancies: 63
Service Type: Permanent
AGE LIMIT( as on application deadline 2078/08/05)
For Level 7, 8 and 9 :
– Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
For Level 6 :
– Male: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
– Female/ Differently-abled:Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
For Assistant Level 4 and 5:
– Male: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
– Female/ Differently-abled: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
* AGE limit will not be applicable for permanent employee of the Bank.
Application Deadline:
– Normal Fee: 2078/08/05 (November 21, 2021)
– Double Late Fee: 2078/08/12 (November 28, 2021
View official notice below for more details and application procedure
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