Header (Heading Tag)
It is a top level of web page. It divided into several levels with several header tags in HTML. HTML
supports only six level of the header tag. These tags are as follows:
It is the first level heading.
It is the second level heading.
It is the third level heading.
It is the fourth level heading.
It is the fifth level heading.
It is the sixth level heading.
Attribute of Header Tag
it define the alignment of the header text.
<B>……………….</B> or <strong>…………………….</Strong>
This tag is used to create bold text.
<I>……………..</I> or <em>………………………..</em>
It is used to italic the text.
It is used to underline the text.
Use this tag to strike through the text.
This tag is used to break the current line like enter.
This tag is used to center the text, image or table.
<TT> ………………………..</TT>
Use this tag to create text with type writer style.
tag contains preformatted text. This tag is useful for formatting computer code or poetry where white space is important.
This tag is used to create a subscript in a web document.
This tag is used to create a super script in a web document.
Use this tag to create /write paragraph in a web document. This tag only have one attribute
This tag defines a horizontal line in a web document.
Attributes of <hr> tag
Align=left|right|center (Defines the alignment of horizontal line)
Width=value (Defines the width of a horizontal line as a percentage or pixels)
Size= value (This attribute suggest the height of the horizontal line in pixels)
Color= color name or value (Use to define an hr color.)
<font> ………………….</font>
This tag allows author to change the size, color, face of the text in an html document.
Attributes of <font > tag
Size=value(between 1 to 7) (This attribute specifies the size of the font or text.)
Color=color name or value (Use to define a color of a text.)
Face=“Font name” (By using this attributes we can specifies the face of the text.)
In HTML document we can use this tag to create the scrolling text.
Attributes of <marquee > tag
Bgcolor=color name or value (It defines the background color of the marquee.)
Behavior=scroll|slide|alternate (It suggests how the text scrolls in a marquee.)
Direction=left|right|up|down (It is used to define the direction of the scrolling text.)
Loop=infinite|no.of loop value ( It suggests how many times to scroll the text.)
Scrolldelay=value (It defines how long to delay between each jump.)
Scrollamount=value (It is used to define how far to jump the text in a marquee.)
Title=“message” (This attribute is used to display a advisory information on the bottom of the mouse pointer when user put the mouse over it.)
Width=value (It defines the width of the marquee.)
Height=value (It defines the height of the marquee.)
To create list in HTML
It is used to draw lines of text as an order list.
Attributes of <ol > tag
Start=starting no ( Defines from where to start order in a page)
Type=1|A|a|I|i (Defines the type of order list no)
It is used to create unordered list of the text like bullet in ms word.
Attributes of <Ul > tag
Type=disc|circle|square (Defines the type of bullet)
It is used for represent one item in a list